Warmachine: Alexia, Queen of the Damned ¥2,100
Warmachine: Bellighul, Master of Pain ¥2,800
Warmachine: Eilish Garrity, the Dark Traitor ¥2,100
Warmachine: Eiryss, Shadow of Retribution ¥2,100
Warmachine: Emperor Carver Ultimus Esquire III & War Boar MMD47 ¥9,800
Warmachine: Greygore Boomhowler ¥2,800
Warmachine: Koldun Lord Damien Korovnik ¥2,100
Warmachine: Krueger, Wrath of Blighterghast ¥4,900
Warmachine: Madam Moriarty ¥2,800
Warmachine: Magnus the Unstoppable and Invictus ¥9,800
Warmachine: Maulgreth, the Charnel Plague ¥2,800
Warmachine: Nissak, Totem Huntress Champion ¥2,800
Warmachine: Prisoner 102822 ¥2,100
Warmachine: Zacchaeus, Winter's Chill ¥3,500